Yellow Jacket Canyon

If you want to see Lucy’s Warbler in Colorado, you will have to come here. This location provides access to an extensive lowland riparian corridor, hard to come by in this part of the state. In addition to the warblers, look for Summer Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak, Western Tanager, Yellow Warbler, Hairy Woodpecker, and migrants in season. In the extensive pinyon-juniper woodland on the drive in, look for Black-throated Sparrow, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Gray Vireo, Gray Flycatcher, and Scott’s Oriole. The area around here has the highest diversity of reptiles in Colorado, and spectacular species include Collared Lizard, Longnose Leopard-Lizard, Common Kingsnake, and Clark’s Spiny-Lizard. Be very careful to respect private property in the area. Most of the riparian grove is on private land; the part accessible to the public is the stretch north and east of the fence at the bottom of the hill on the road. Public property ends at the first large side canyon on the right as you head upstream. The first part of the entrance road, off of McElmo Canyon Road, passes through private land, so do not trespass in this area.

Restrictions: Be careful not to trespass on private land

County: Montezuma

Directions: From the intersection of McElmo Canyon Road (CR G) and US-160/CO 491 just south of Cortez head west on CR G for 20.2 miles to an unmarked and gated road on the right. Open the gate and head north for 2.4 miles, heading straight over the cattle guard at a junction at 1.5 miles, past a national monument sign for Cannonball Mesa that is well off the road. Just before the junction at 2.4 miles you will cross a (usually) dry arroyo. Take a left at 2.4 miles onto an inconspicuous and rough track. Drive down it as far as you can and walk the rest of the way (about 1.5 miles total; bring water!). When you get towards the end of the road, you'll be getting close to the top of some short rimrock cliffs above the cottonwood gallery. If you're in the right place, the road should split shortly before the cliff. Take the right (lower) fork, but watch for a broken-down, unposted fenceline. Do not follow the road through the fenceline--it is the beginning of private property that birders are specifically forbidden from accessing. Instead follow the fenceline to the right, until you reach the top of the short cliff. Below you you'll see how the road does a hairpin turn and comes back out into public land through the continuation of the fenceline. Head right (northeast) along the cliff until you find a safe place to descend. Stay east of the fence. Everything down-canyon from here is private property; you can bird upstream from here to about the first side canyon on the right and stay on public land.

Alternate Directions: From the center of Cortez, go south on US491/160 for about 3 miles to CR G (McElmo Canyon Road), and turn right. Go 20.2 miles to an unmarked and gated road on the right. Open the gate and head north for 2.4 miles, heading straight over the cattle guard at a junction at 1.5 miles, past a National Monument sign for Cannonball Mesa, well off the road. Just before the junction at 2.4 miles you will cross a (usually) dry arroyo. Take a left at 2.4 miles onto an inconspicuous and rough track. Drive down it as far as you can. When you get towards the end of the road there will be a split in the road. Take the right (lower) fork, but watch for a broken-down, unposted fenceline. Turn right at the fence line and head down towards the creek; the land upstream of this fenceline is public.

Habitat: Pinyon/Juniper Forest, Lowland Riparian, Stream

Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: Any
Ownership: BLM
Admission or Fees: Free

Parking: Roadside

Lodging: Primitive camping

Handicapped: No
Handicapped Access: None

Delorme: 84 B1

ROC: 128 B4

Latitude: 37.36313
Longitude: -108.95199

Additional Resources

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