Burnt Mill Road area
Aliases: Red Creek Road West, Siloam Road, Three R Ranch Road, Phoebe Bridge
This county road outside Pueblo passes through many of Southeast Colorado’s habitats, including cholla grassland, shortgrass prairie, pinyon-juniper forest and Ponderosa Pine forest. The land is private, but birding from the road can be productive. Where the road crosses the Saint Charles River, Black and Eastern Phoebes have nested under the bridge. With luck, it is possible to see all three species of phoebes on this road! turkeys can be seen in agriculture fields and wooded areas along the Saint Charles River.
Restrictions: Beware fast-moving traffic on rural roads
County: Pueblo
Directions: Burnt Mill Road can be reached by heading south from Pueblo on I-25 to the Burnt Mill Road exit (exit 88). Siloam Road can be reached by heading 20 miles west of Pueblo off Hwy 96 or Hwy 78. 3R Ranch Road is 21 miles west of Pueblo off Hwy 78. Red Creek Road West is 5 miles west of Pueblo off Hwy 96.
Habitat: Lowland Riparian, Cholla, Pinyon-Juniper Forest, Ponderosa Forest
Dates of Access: Open all year
Ownership: Private (public road)
Admission or Fees: Free
Parking: Roadside
Lodging: Hotel in Pueblo
Disabled: No
Disabled Access: Viewing from car
Delorme: 73 C4-D5
ROC: 121 F3-E4
Latitude: 38.05138
Longitude: -104.79382