Adobe Creek Reservoir State Wildlife Area (Blue Lake)
Aliases: Adobe Creek Reservoir (Blue Lake)
This large lake, also known as Adobe Creek Reservoir, is an excellent spot to look for waterbirds and shorebirds of all varieties, especially during migration. Water levels varies wildely, but there is usually some mudflats for shorebirds. There are Least Terns and Piping Plovers nesting here; however, PLEASE do not disturb any nesting areas of these state endangered species. The grassland nearby is quite good, and prairie longspurs and Mountain Plovers should be looked for. Look also for tarantulas, massasauga and prairie rattlesnakes, and other reptiles.
Restrictions: ATV's, dirt bikes and snowmobiles prohibited. Obey all CPW rules and regulations; be aware of hunters in season
County: Bent/Kiowa
Directions: From Las Animas, follow westbound US 50 as it heads north out of town and crosses the Arkansas River. Immediately after the bridge, turn left (west) onto CO 194, then take a nearly immediate right (north) onto CR 10.5, which becomes CR 10 after a westerly jog. Follow CR 10 ten miles north to where CR UU leaves it heading west. To access the west side of the reservoir, follow UU west as it curves around the shoreline. To access the eastern shore of the reservoir, continue north on CR 10.
Alternate Directions: From Las Animas, follow westbound US 50 as it heads north out of town and crosses the Arkansas River. Immediately after the bridge, turn left (west) onto CO 194, then take a nearly immediate right (north) onto CR 10.5, which becomes CR 10 after a westerly jog. Follow CR 10 ten miles north to where CR UU leaves it heading west. To access the west side of the reservoir, follow UU west as it curves around the shoreline. To access the eastern shore of the reservoir, continue north on CR 10.
Habitat: Pond/Lake/Reservoir, Tamarisk
Dates of Access: Closed during winter waterfowl season
Hours: Open 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset; no time restrictions for fishing.
Ownership: Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Admission or Fees: A valid hunting or fishing license, or State Wildlife Area pass is required for everyone 16 or older accessing any state wildlife area or state trust lands.
Parking: Gravel parking area
Lodging: Primitive camping; hotel in Las Animas or Eads
Handicapped: No
Handicapped Access: Some viewing from car
Delorme: 99 C4-D5
ROC: 124 C1-C2
Latitude: 38.26108
Longitude: -103.23846
Visit the Website for Adobe Creek Reservoir State Wildlife Area (Blue Lake) »
Additional Resources
Learn more about birds reported at this location at eBird: