Catamount Recreation Site
The Catamount Recreation site is used as a launch site for whitewater rafters, but is also a good spot to have a picnic while birding the riparian habitat along the Colorado River. The best habitat is actually along the entrance road. Look for species like Yellow-breasted Chat, Lazuli Bunting, Bullock’s Oriole, Common Merganser on the river, and migrants in season.
Restrictions: None
County: Eagle
Directions: From the Wolcott exit off I-70 (exit 157), head north on CO 131 twenty miles to the tiny town of McCoy. Turn left onto the Colorado River Road (Road 301). Catamount Recreation Site is at the bridge over the river, approximately seven miles west of McCoy.
Habitat: Lowland Riparian
Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: Any
Ownership: BLM
Admission or Fees: Free
Parking: Parking area
Lodging: Camping
Disabled: No
Disabled Access: Some handicap accessible facilities, otherwise limited
Delorme: 36 A3
ROC: 53 D4
Latitude: 39.89114
Longitude: -106.83165