Eleven Mile State Park

Aliases: Plamann Lake

Eleven Mile Reservoir, just down the road from Spinney and Antero, is the deepest of the South Park reservoirs and tends to stay ice-free the longest. Eleven Mile is a great location for diving duck species, and it is not unusual to find several scoters, Barrow’s Goldeneye, and loons. All six species of grebes found in Colorado have been observed here. The best waterfowl viewing is often found at the western end of the reservoir.

Violet Green Swallow, Rock Wren, and White-throated Swift can be found along the small cliff bands of the park. In open terrain, rosy-finches are sometimes seen, especially during snow storms in the fall. Keep an eye out for grassland species, such as Horned Lark, Vesper Sparrow, Lark Bunting, and the occasional Lapland Longspur. Also look for woodpeckers, nuthatches, and flycatchers in the park’s aspen and pine forests. Raptor species you could view here include Swainson’s Hawk, Prairie Falcon, and Northern Saw-whet Owl. A State Parks pass is required for entry and hunting occurs on this property, so be sure to check for seasonal restrictions before visiting.

Restrictions: Please obey all rules and regulations. Dogs must be under control and on a leash at all times.

County: Park

Directions: From US Hwy 285 and C-470: go south on US Hwy 285 through Fairplay. Continue south and from the junction of US Hwy 24 and US Hwy 285, head east on US Hwy 24 for 13 miles to the town of Hartsel. Go east onto CR 59 for 15.5 miles to the junction with CR 92. Continue straight on CR 92 to reach the entrance station, full service campgrounds and marina. Turn south on CR 59 to access several entrances and campgrounds along the south side of the reservoir.

Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Ownership: Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Admission or Fees: State Parks Pass. Additional fee for camping .

Parking: Gravel and paved parking areas, park in designated areas only.

Lodging: Camping, hotels in Fairplay

Disabled: Yes
Disabled Access: Accessibility to facilities and viewing from car

Latitude: 38.935422
Longitude: -105.500902

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