Evergreen Area
Aliases: Alderfer/Three Sisters Park, Dedisse Park, Cub Creek Park, Dillon Park, Bell Park
Another of the charming foothill towns outside of Denver, Evergreen is a good place to vacation away from the city. Due to its close proximity to Denver, this is a very high use area by birders, anglers, dog walkers, runners, and visitors in general. But it’s also a decent birding location in its own right. The best spot is undoubtedly Evergreen Lake, surrounded by a park with good walking trails that provide easy access. During migration, most any waterfowl species could show up, and Barrow’s Goldeneye has occasionally been found here. A small marsh at the edges of the lake may have rails or Marsh Wren, and riparian grove migrants in season. Be sure to stop by the Evergreen Audubon & Nature Center located in the historic warming hut on Evergreen Lake. There are several other parks in the general area, most of which are covered in ponderosa woodland with a mix of foothills scrub; you may want to check out Jefferson County Open Space’s website for ideas. The best option is probably Alderfer/Three Sisters Park; look for Pygmy Nuthatch, Clark’s Nutcracker, Western and Mountain Bluebird, and Red Crossbill, among other possibilities. Mammals such as Elk, Mule Deer, and Abert’s Squirrel all occur in this area, and could be found nearly anywhere.
NOTE: Elk commonly use the lake, trails, parking areas, and the vicinity around them year-round, but especially during calving and the rut (mating season). Please do not approach elk and keep dogs on a leash at all times. They may appear to be tame, but there is history of conflict and injuries associated with getting too close.
Restrictions: Respect private property
County: Jefferson
Directions: From I-70: exit at CO 74/Evergreen Pkwy. Go south on CO 74 for 8 miles to Evergreen Lake. To reach the parking lot, head west on Bear Creek Rd., then south into the parking entrance for the Evergreen Lakehouse. To reach Alderfer/Three Sisters Park, continue south on CO 74 around the lake. At the three-way signal, go southwest onto CO 73 to Buffalo Park Rd. Head west on Buffalo Park Rd. to the parking entrance for the lower lot on the north. The upper parking lot is located about a 1/4 mile further up Buffalo Park Rd.
Dates of Access: Open year round
Hours: Daylight hours
Ownership: Municipal/Private
Admission or Fees: Free
Parking: Varied
Lodging: Hotels in Evergreen
Disabled: Yes
Disabled Access: Most facilities and some trails ADA accessible
Latitude: 39.631186
Longitude: -105.33202