
Aliases: Bittersweet Park, Sanborn Park, Glenmere Park, Linn Grove Cemetery, Brower State Wildlife Area, Evans Sewage Ponds

In this Great Plains City, the best place to bird is Glenmere Park. The pond in the park attracts ducks and geese, and Snowy Egret and Black-crowned Night-Heron have nested on the island in the pond. Mississippi Kite have sometimes been seen in and around the park in late summer and early fall, and migrants can be attracted to the mature trees. Sanborn Park is another lake-based park that has a cove on the SW side that can have wood ducks, etc. There is a separate listing for the Cache LaPoudre Trail on the north side of the City.

Restrictions: Please respect private property

County: Weld

Directions: From I-25: take exit 257, US Hwy 34/Eisenhower Blvd. and go east to Greeley. Exit at 23rd Ave. and head north to Reservoir Rd. Go east onto Reservoir Rd. to 14th Ave. Head north on 14th Ave. to Glenmere Blvd., then head west to 17th Ave., and then go south. Parking spaces will be on the east side of the street.

Habitat: Marsh, island

Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Ownership: Municipal
Admission or Fees: Free

Parking: Varied

Lodging: Hotels in Greeley

Disabled Access: ADA accessible paved trails

Latitude: 40.407693
Longitude: -104.707138

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