Hebron Waterfowl Area

Aliases: Hebron Slough, Eighteen Islands Reservoir, Jackson County Road 34

The Hebron Waterfowl Area along Jackson CR 34 is an excellent spot to look for ducks, shorebirds, and terns. The shallow Eighteen Islands Reservoir can have many shorebirds and ducks, depending on water level. The large pond just west of here is better for ducks, and can have Black and Forster’s Terns flying around. The Hebron Slough, just east of Eighteen Islands Reservoir, is fairly small, but should be checked for shorebirds and ducks. County Road 34 is a good spot to keep an eye out for Greater Sage-Grouse, especially in the sage flats along the eastern end of the road. Raptors abound along this road as well, with Swainson’s and Rough-legged Hawks (in summer and winter respectively), Prairie Falcon, and Golden Eagle possible.

Restrictions: Respect private property

County: Jackson

Directions: County Road 34 can be reached by either driving south from Walden on SR-125 for about 10 miles and turning right (west), or driving south on SR-14 for 17 miles and turning left (east). Hebron Waterfowl Area is about mid-way along this road. CR 34 is about 17 miles north of Muddy Pass along SR-14, and about 22 miles north of Willow Creek Pass along SR-125.

Alternate Directions: From Walden, drive south on CO 125 for 10 miles (or south on CO 14 for 17 miles) to CR 34. Hebron Waterfowl Area is about mid-way between the two highways.

Habitat: reservoir, slough, sagebrush, agricultural

Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: Any
Ownership: BLM/Private
Admission or Fees: Free

Parking: Roadside

Lodging: None

Handicapped: No
Handicapped Access: Car birding

Delorme: 17 D6-7

ROC: 38 A2-3

Latitude: 40.56254
Longitude: -106.35999