James M. Robb – Colorado River State Park, Connected Lakes Section
Perhaps the best unit of the Colorado River State Park, in terms of habitat and birding, is the Connected Lakes Unit. The nearby Ela Wildlife Sanctuary (owned by the Audubon Society) is also worth a visit. The riparian here along the river is some of the best in western Colorado, and is especially good during migration. Extensive trails allow good access to the riparian and the river; keep an eye out for species like Bullock’s Oriole, Plumbeous and Warbling Vireos, Yellow Warbler, and, at night, Great Horned Owl and Western Screech-Owl. The winter-time offerings are a bit sparser, but the riparian and thickets are good for sparrows and flocks, and American Dipper along the river. The brushier slopes above the riparian corridor have a different mix of species, including Virginia’s Warbler, and Gambel’s Quail is often seen and (especially) heard throughout. Large mammals are not often seen in this state park, but both gray and red foxes can be found, in addition to desert cottontail rabbits, raccoons, and ground squirrels.
Restrictions: Day use only.
County: Mesa
Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: 5 am to 10 pm
Ownership: Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Admission or Fees: State Parks Pass
Parking: Gravel and paved parking areas
Lodging: Hotels in Grand Junction, camping in James M Robb, Island Acres and Fruita Sections.
Disabled: No
Disabled Access: Some handicap accessible trails
Latitude: 39.07743
Longitude: -108.60809
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