Dan Noble (Miramonte Reservoir Tract) State Wildlife Area
When not frozen, this high-elevation reservoir can provide some excellent birding. Everything from waterfowl to loons, gulls, shorebirds and waders could be found here. The sage flats around the reservoir contain many sparrows and also harbor the secretive and endangered Gunnison Sage-Grouse, but leks are not open to the public. Mule deer can be abundant in this area.
Restrictions: Be careful on the dirt roads in the area after rain or snow
County: San Miguel
Directions: From Norwood drive east of town on CO 145 for nearly two miles. Turn right (south) on CR 44 Z and drive for 14 miles. At the intersection turn right (west) on CR L 40 and drive to the reservoir in three miles. The Dolores/Norwood road, also called CR 31, can take you back to Dolores from here.
Habitat: Pond/Lake/Reservoir, Marsh, Sagebrush
Dates of Access: Open all year
Ownership: Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Admission or Fees: A valid hunting or fishing license, or State Wildlife Area pass is required for everyone 16 or older accessing any state wildlife area or state trust lands.
Parking: Gravel parking areas
Lodging: None
Disabled: No
Disabled Access: Viewing from car
Delorme: 75 A6
ROC: 113 F3-F4
Latitude: 37.97621
Longitude: -108.33719
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