Mount Ouray State Wildlife Area

A former fish hatchery, this state wildlife area includes several small ponds, a nice wetland area, and access to a stretch of the Arkansas River. It is a good place to look for sparrows, rails, wrens, and raptors like the Bald Eagle (winter) and the Northern Harrier.

Restrictions: Obey posted restrictions on access; be aware of hunters in season

County: Chaffee

Directions: From Highway 291 north of Salida, turn right (west) at the Mt. Shavano Hatchery sign (County Road 154) and drive past the hatchery and Frantz Lake. Turn right (west) on County Road 160 and go approximately 1.5 miles. Mt. Ouray SWA is on your right. There are two parking areas, the first is just past the second right curve and the second parking area is just past a wooden barn.

Habitat: Pond/Lake/Reservoir, Marsh, Stream

Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: Dawn to dusk
Ownership: Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Admission or Fees: A valid hunting or fishing license, or State Wildlife Area Pass is required for everyone 16 or older to access any State Wildlife Area or State Trust Land leased by Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

Parking: Yes

Lodging: Hotel in Salida

Disabled: No
Disabled Access: Limited

Delorme: 60 D2

ROC: 102 C3

Latitude: 38.5533
Longitude: -106.03532

Contact Information

Area CPW Office: Salida, (719) 530-5520

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Additional Resources

Learn more about birds reported at this location at eBird: