O’Fallon Mountain Park
Aliases: Corwina Park, O'Fallon Park, Pence Park,
Not far upriver from Lair O’the Bear Park along Bear Creek, the habitat at O’Fallon Mountain Park has a higher-elevation flavor, with more ponderosa and mixed-conifer woodland and fewer riparian areas. There are some nice large willow trees along the river, and the overall mix of habitats results in a variety of species of both higher and lower elevations. The ponderosa component offers up the chance at Williamson’s Sapsucker, Pygmy Nuthatch, and Western Bluebird, while the mixed conifers can have Dusky and Hammond’s Flycatchers, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Brown Creeper, among others. Along the creek, check for Cordilleran Flycatcher and American Dipper, both fairly common here during the summer months. Be sure to stop at nearby Mount Falcon Park for more viewing opportunities.
Restrictions: Obey local rules and regulations
County: Jefferson
Directions: From C-470: exit at CO 8/Morrison Rd. and head west through the town of Morrison. At the west end of Morrison, continue straight on CO 74 to the town of Kittridge. At Lines Ln., go south; the road will curve to the north and the parking lot will be on the east side.
Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: Daylight hours
Ownership: Municipal
Admission or Fees: Free
Parking: Gravel parking area
Lodging: Hotels in Morrison and Littleton, camping at Bear Creek Lake Park
Disabled Access: Limited
Latitude: 39.655171
Longitude: -105.288474