
Even in an area of the state filled with picturesque mountain towns, Ouray is something special. How many places are there on earth where you can have all the amenities and also walk to a Black Swift colony? The feeders around town itself are excellent for a variety of birds, especially finches, and can attract rarities during the fall and winter. Box Can?on Falls (fee area), just south of town, in addition to the aforementioned Black Swift nests, can be good for White-throated Swift, Cordilleran Flycatcher, Cassin’s Finch, and Red-naped Sapsucker. But don’t let the birding here keep you from admiring the gorgeous falls itself, nor the not springs, nor the unbelievable scenery nearby.

Restrictions: Respect private property; bird from the road where applicable

County: Ouray

Directions: The town straddles US 550 about 10 miles south of Ridgway. Box Canyon Falls is just off of US 550 at the south end of town.

Habitat: Urban/Suburban, Cliff Face, Mixed Conifer Forest, Stream

Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: Any
Ownership: Municipal
Admission or Fees: Fee for entry to Box Canyon Falls

Parking: Varied

Lodging: Hotels and fee camping

Disabled: No
Disabled Access: Viewing from car; handicap accessible restrooms in Ouray

Delorme: 66 D4

ROC: 115 D3

Latitude: 38.022772
Longitude: -107.671449