Pinello Ranch

This 260 acre property has Fountain Creek bordering to the west and Venetucci Farm to the south. Rich riparian habitat with floodplain cottonwoods and willows provides a mosaic of habitats. A series of ponds and cattail marshes also provide excellent habitat.


Restrictions: Please respect private property

County: El Paso

Directions: From I-25 south of Colorado Springs, exit South Academy Blvd Exit 135. Go east for 1/2 mile and take the exit for Highway 85 toward Fountain. Turn right (south)on Highway 85 and go 0.7 miles, look for the ranch sign on your right.

Habitat: Grassland/Prairie, Lowland Riparian

Dates of Access: Currently only open during guided tours. See website for upcoming opportunities.
Hours: By Appointment
Ownership: Private
Admission or Fees: Please visit website for information.

Parking: Yes

Lodging: Hotel in Fountain or Colorado Springs

Disabled: Yes
Disabled Access: Hotel in Fountain or Colorado Springs

Delorme: 63 B5

ROC: 105 F2

Latitude: 38.76050239
Longitude: -104.7528389

Contact Information

For Questions contact David Rudin, Education Coordinator:, 389-1251 X112

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