Timpas Creek State Wildlife Area
This SWA just south of La Junta has some small but dense groves of trees that can contain migrants, and the canal with its large cottonwoods could have Mississippi Kites, among others. The small ponds are worth a look for ducks, and the area around the trees can harbor rabbits and squirrels.
Restrictions: OHV use prohibited. No fires. Obey CPW rules and regulations; be aware of hunters in season. Only trained hunting dogs may be off-leash.
County: Otero
Directions: From Rocky Ford, go south on CO 71 four miles to CO 10 and turn left (east). Go 1.5 miles and turn right (south) on CR 21. Then go one mile to CR Z and turn right (west). The SWA is along this road near the county landfill. Some old roads in this SWA are now closed to vehicles, but there is easy walking access to both Timpas Creek and Catlin Canal from 4 parking areas.
Habitat: Lowland Riparian, Pond/Lake/Reservoir
Dates of Access: Open all year
Ownership: Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Admission or Fees: A valid hunting or fishing license, or State Wildlife Area pass is required for everyone 16 or older accessing any state wildlife area or state trust lands.
Parking: Yes
Lodging: Primitive camping August 15 - May 31 at parking lots, or hotel in Rocky Ford
Disabled: No
Disabled Access: Easy walking trail
Delorme: 100 A3
ROC: 123 F4
Latitude: 37.96785
Longitude: -103.7042
Contact Information
719-336-6600 for Colorado Parks & Wildlife information
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Additional Resources
Learn more about birds reported at this location at eBird: