Trail Gulch Road

This road runs mostly through BLM land, although there is some private property along it as well. It connects I-70 with the Colorado River Road between Dotsero and Burns. The north part of the road is ruggedly scenic but sparsely vegetated. The central part of the road, however, runs through some of the best sagebrush in the area; look especially for Sage Sparrow and Sage Thrasher. Much of the best sage habitat is on private land, so be sure to bird from the road. The southern end of the road rises through some pinyon-juniper hillsides on its way up from the interstate; look here for Pinyon Jay, Juniper Titmouse, and Gray Flycatcher, among others.

Restrictions: Respect private property

County: Eagle

Directions: From the Gypsum exit off I-70 (exit 140), head north on Trail Gulch Road, which (if you can follow your map and your instincts correctly) will eventually dump you out onto the Colorado River Road north of Dotsero.

Habitat: Sagebrush, Pinyon-Juniper Forest

Dates of Access: Open all year
Hours: Any
Ownership: BLM/Private
Admission or Fees: Free

Parking: Roadside

Lodging: None

Disabled: No
Disabled Access: Limited car birding

Delorme: 36 C2

ROC: 68 C1-C2

Latitude: 39.7237
Longitude: -106.97958