Rocky Mountains

Longs Peak Trail

The Mountains’ Greatest Hits

Rocky Mountain National Park is the showcase of the southern Rockies, home to the nation’s highest continuous paved road and some of the best alpine scenery in North America. To follow this trail is to see the mountains’ highlight reel—snowcapped peaks, sheer-sided canyons, jagged ridges, and idyllic reservoirs. And this tremendous scenery has birds to match: Mountain Bluebirds, Broad-tailed Hummingbirds, Violet-green Swallows, Steller’s Jays, and Green-tailed Towhees. In winter, birders visit the upper reaches of this trail to find flocks of rosy-finches at feeders, and then descend to the lakes to watch huge flocks of gulls come to roost for the evening. This is the Colorado on your postcards.